WLWA Duty of Care Waste Transfer Note Header Image

Duty of Care: Waste Transfer Note

(WMC2A Version 3, August 2011)

Please complete this form before you visit the Transfer Station(s)

Section A - Description of Waste

Please select all appropriate Waste Classification Code(s)*
European Waste Code (EWC)
A2: How is the waste contained*

Section B - Current Holder of the Waste - Transferor

By signing below I confirm that I have fulfilled my duty to apply the waste hierarchy as required by Regulation 12 of the Waste (England and Wales) Regulations 2011*
B1: Transferor's Full Name (for address where the waste originated)*
Use your mouse or finger to draw your signature above
B3: Are you:*
The number starts with CBD__

Section C - Person Collecting the Waste - Transferee

The same as transferor?*
C1: Transferee's Full Name*
Company Address*
C2 & 3: Are you: *
The number starts with CBD__

You must have a valid waste carriers licence to bring items to the site. If you do not you are risking being fined and having your vehicle seized. To apply visit: https://www.gov.uk/register-renew-waste-carrier-broker-dealer-england

Use your mouse or finger to draw your signature above

Section D - The Transfer

D1: Address of transfer or collection point*

A waste transfer note can be used for 1 load of waste on 1 day or for many loads over a period of time up to a year as long as the waste is coming from the same source and is the same type of material. Please read the information on the website for more details.

Day Valid From:*
Day Valid To:
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